The film revolves around Vishal (Ajay Devgan), a stock analyst and his wife Swati (named Urmila Matondkar). Two are for an apartment in Mumbai. Vishal is the ideal location for an apartment building landmark skyscrapers. However, the apartment has a terrible past. The previous occupant of the flat, the young woman had killed her children and picked up again with a balcony and died. Swati learns about this incident soon after and becomes also fixing with the story. Then a series of inexplicable experiences drive Swati to near madness.

Vishal becomes helpless and convinced his wife developed some type of mental disorder. He consulted the psychiatrist, Dr. Rajan (Victor Banerjee). A pair of maid (Seema Biswas) believes Swati to property and calls the Exorcist (Rekha).

However, other seemingly unrelated events take place around the building. The House is terrorized and murdered with his neck completely twisted (done by Swati), is one of the residents Sanjay (Fardeen Khan) maintains the chaotic and there is a murder. Inspector dollar Quereshi (Nana Patekar) is sent to investigate the murder in the building. At the same time, nor the Exorcist progressing very psychiatrist in Swaziland. Is spreading that Swati was in fact the settlement by the young man who killed. For more Vishal goes to the woman's mother (Tanuja). with the help of his mother possessed Swati lets everyone know that Sanjay was interested with the previous tenant of the night to save himself, he picked up again from your balcony, Sanjay later realizes that her son was witnessed everything and have the House to throw out boy with a balcony and creating a false story that the woman had killed her son andthen committed suicide.

Killing the House via Swati, the woman takes revenge for the death of his son and now wants to kill Sanjay. At the last moment, his mother comes and says that her daughter dead of soul that she cannot take revenge from Sanjay by making Swati a murderer (stranger here film explain that Swati has killer after the death of the House), to which the woman leaves Swati's body and Sanjay is lifted and thrown on the floor in front of everyone, including Dr. Ranjan and Inspector of dollar (who first ridiculed the story). The story ends with Sanjay going to prison and the Inspector insulting him, then leaves for Paris, the ghost of the woman reappears and possesses Sanjay's body and makes kills himself