Gibson was born in Peekskill, New York, the sixth of 11 children and second son of Hutton Gibson and Irish-born Anne Patricia (née Reilly, died 1990).[2][3] His paternal grandmother was the Australian opera soprano, Eva Mylott (1875-1920).[4] one of Gibson's younger brothers, Donal, is also an actor. Gibson's name comes from Saint Mel, fifth century Irish saint and founder of mother's native Diocese of Ardagh, Gibson, while his second name, Colm-Cille, [5] is also shared by an Irish Saint, [6] and is the name of a parish in County Longford where mother Gibson was born and raised. Due to his mother has Gibson double Irish and American citizenship.[7]

Soon after being awarded $ 145,000 in one operation of work-related injury against the New York Central Railroad on February 14, 1968, Hutton Gibson relocated his family to West Pymble, Sydney, Australia.[8] Mel Gibson was 12 years old at the time. Movement of mother's native Australia Hutton was economic reasons, and because Hutton thought the Australian defence force would reject his oldest son from draft during the war in Viet Nam.[9]

Gibson was educated as membereducated as members of St. Leo Catholic College in Wahroonga, new Souths of St. Leo Catholic College in Wahroonga, new South Wales, the Congregation of Christian brothers in his school years.[10][11]

Gibson obtained a very favourable notices film critics when it first film scene and a variety of classic movie stars. In 1982, Vincent Canby wrote that "Mr. Gibson recalls the young Steve McQueen ... Cannot determine the "letter quality", but what is it, Mr. Gibson is ".[12] Gibson also has been compared to "a combination of Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart".[13] Gibson features films, Peter Weir Gallipoli and "Mad Max" earned the label "action hero" "lethal weapon" series of films.[14] later extended to different projects, including Gibson tragedies such as Hamlet and comic roles, Maverick, and that women like to operate. It operates under the direction of the outside of the extended and producing together: the man without a face, 1993. Braveheart (1995). Christ, the passion in 2004. and Apocalypto (2006). Gibson, Cary Grant, Sean Connery and Robert Redford, in comparison with Jess Cagle time.[14] After the suggested Gibson should play next connery James Bond from Connery m. Gibson turned down